Saturday, January 12, 2008

First few days

We don't have regular internet access and we are trying to type on a French keyboard so we will see if we can do this every day.

Jan 9-10th
After 28hrs of travel, we arrived in Cameroon to about 20 eager faces that came to meet us at the airport. Some traveled 1 hour or more to greet us. True to the French, they were more passionate and expressive about us then our reserved Canadian “that’s cool” approach.

We are living upstairs in an apartment where Clever lives. Living here is one step up to Nicaragua. We have our own bathroom, and at this point, we haven’t figured out how to turn on the light in the washroom. The toilet is constantly running, and has no water in the reservoir to flush. Being a farmer from a way back, living with water problems we subscribed to “if it is yellow let it mellow, if it is brown flush it down”. Well, let’s just say that I needed to flush. I finally figured out how to remove the lid of the contraption, and managed to hold the valve down so the bowl could fill. The water made it half way up when there was a knock on the door and an indisposed wife who couldn’t answer it, so I let go and got the door. I stuck my hand in the back of the reservoir again and held the valve down again to let it fill up. The comical thing about this is that there was no lid or seat on the toilet, finally it was full. I let go of the valve, the apparatus flushed slowly, but alas, it didn’t work. I jerry- rigged the valve and put a mug on it for weight and that seemed to close the valve. Then I searched for some kind of bucket. The best I could find was a kettle. So finally it was full again. Quickly removing the mug, while adding a kettle chaser to the mix, the flush was finally accomplished. Janet and I had a good chuckle in the midst of our weariness. We dived into bed at about 11 o’clock Cameroon time, which was 5 pm our time. We feared that our bodies might just take a little nap and be wide awake, but we slept for 9 hours solid. Maybe this time change won’t be too hard to handle after all.

Jan 11th
Today we did a bit of mini touring, visiting some leaders and speaking on the radio. I was proud of Janet as they asked her speak, basically putting her on the spot. She did great as she was well poised, and articulated herself well. We just got started, with introductions and while Janet was in the middle of her riveting talk, the power went out and we had to wait till the generator started up. They started the whole program over and Janet got to do her introductions again. Then they asked her theological questions. She handled herself very well.

We also went to church tonight to give a teaching to the leaders. I was to teach for an hour, but only went 50 minutes. When I said I was finished, the interpreter said “you have 10 minutes left”. It seemed more like they wanted to get their money’s worth than “we love this so much we want more.”
The interpreter is doing a great job even though he has not done a whole lot of interpreting. He speaks English, French and German fluently, and understands some Italian and Spanish. He has had to do interpretations from one language to two different languages.
The people here are very warm and friendly and hospitable. We now understand what our kids mean when they said that they stick out like a bunch of giraffes amongst a herd of gazelles. Though the height difference is not as much as compared to the smaller Asians, we are amongst very few white people in the city. We have seen only two other white people so far.


Rob & Debb said...

Hey George and Janet,
So glad you made it safely. I love this whole blog thing. It really lets you stay connected.
Way to go Janet. I'm proud of you too. You always handle yourself so well except with bald men at the church and when you are trying to marry off your already married daughter to 'hot' guys.
We are thinking and praying for you.
I will be anxiously awaiting your blogs.

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys made it safely! I got a kick out of your toilet story, although I must say I was hoping for a more embarrassing conclusion when you said there was a knock at the door.

I got a chuckle out of the interpreter trying to get you to speak for longer, too. Did you say they are French, or Dutch?

Love you guys and miss you.

Anonymous said...

Did you notice that all your google ads are now related to toilets?

Is mom checking private email?

Glad to hear you guys are well. Good luck with the plumbing. Assuming you have a hot shower? Be thankful for that at least...

Anonymous said...

So finally we get to hear that you arrived safely. Thanks for the update. I'll be thinking of you guys every time we flush the toilet which needs to still be plunged every second day thanks to something Cody must have thrown down awhile back that we're still hoping will eventually make it through to the sewer and then we realize that you're worse off than we are - we can always go downstairs to a somewhat sluggish toilet but not quite as bad, partly due to something Cody threw down there probably as well (now how's that for a run-on sentence). But hey - he's in underwear full time and we've been waiting for this for MANY years! Way to go guys - Steve umade a remark in church this morning about "God, I'll do anything, but please don't send me to Africa" We had a laugh at your expense. Love you both! Selene

Anonymous said...

Hey George & Janet,
Good to hear you made it safely and that things are going relatively well. We've been praying for you. The blog is a great idea. We'll check it often.
Take care and God Bless.
John and Kathy

Anonymous said...

Greetings Guys,
Nice to hear that the trip down was uneventful and that the jet lag won't be too bad.
I'm looking forward to the stories of how God touches the Cameroonians through you guys!

Anonymous said...

Hey George & Janet....

I have been looking everyday since Jan 11th and have seen no additions. You are suppose to write in it every 1 to 3 days. Get writing you lazy slobs!


Anonymous said...

I was glad to hear you guys made it there safely! It has been great to see what is happpening during your trip through this. May the Lord bless you both as you hear and say what he wants to do during your stay! You have been in our prayers! Love, Kerry.