After a 14 hour flight, 4 movies and 4 TV shows later, we arrived in New Delhi India at 5:30pm India time. The time difference is +10.5 hours and Nepal is +10.45. Going through immigration is easy and so it getting our luggage.
The first thing we do is exchange $100 USD for 4,700 rupees. This takes about 20 minutes. They required our passports and photo copied them.
We get out of the airport and I see a phone kiosk so I decide to purchase a SIM card for my phone. This takes about 25 minuets. They want to know your business. To obtain the ability to phone, I had to give them my passport and itinerary of which they photocopied the visa, passport and itinerary and made me sign each photocopy. Then I had to fill out an application including things like my father's name. The cost was 300r (~$6) for the SIM card and some air time. I ended up with a little over 150r air time and my first call to Noel cost me 1.5r.
Next is to find our hotel. I booked it on line before I left. My foreign travel experience has taught me to always book your first hotel, on line, before you arrive. It is way more cost effective and you know that you have a room after a long, jet lagged, "little sleep" flight. The other reason I booked one, was because it was very important to the Indian consulate that our visa application had a "where we are staying" address on it. This also proved to be very important to the phone people. There are lots of options from $10-$750USD per night. I thought I didn't want the bottom of the barrel so I took a $12 room instead. It was recommend by "Lonely Planet" and I only had to put $2 down on my credit card. The hotel is in the middle of New Delhi, about 25 minutes from the airport.
So from the airport, we found an express train to New Delhi for 80 rupees each. In order to get on the train, we pass through security, much like airport security. This all took another 20 minutes. Finally, after a 15 minute train ride we are in New Delhi.
The hotel manager was trying to talk to me about rooms. I showed him my itinerary and that the booking fee stated I owed 585r on arrival. He suggested a 1,200r room complete with hot water. They ended up showing me the original room and I said I would take that. When I came back, to the desk, I seemed to now be speaking to the owner of the joint. He was questioning the 585r charge and I showed him the paper (they all really seem to love paper and documents). He asked me who I booked through and I told him, "Lonely Planet" and that changed everything. He said, "No problem, we will also upgrade you to a room on the first floor with hot water." After 15 minutes more of photocopying our passports and intinerary and filling in forms we ended up with the original room I looked at. I did end up paying 200r more for wireless internet.
They were helpful though, I asked them for a 220V plug adaptor and someone escorted me out to the market and showed me where I could purchase one for 25r.
To sit down on the toilet, I have to sit sideways as there is no room for my knees. As I am writing this blog entry at 5:45am, a loud knock comes at our door. It is some hotel person with a problem and they seemed to have misplaced the photocopy of visas and passports. I tell him I gave it all to them and that the person at the desk put it in the drawer below the photocopier. He said, "Please sir, come down with your passports." I told him, "Aaron is still sleeping and we will come later."
So we are off for breakfast and going to Explore New Delhi today.
Those pictures and your travel comments remind me of Africa -especially the toilet, showers and dodging cows on the roads. Love ya.
Wow it seems like you have had quite an experience already. Did your previous travels prepare you for all this? It sounds like everything takes a lot of effort to accomplish. Have fun. Jacob
So nice to see the pictures...proof that you my boy is ok! Keep to hear everything you are doing
They say you haven't really travelled until you've done India!
THanks for blogging all this. My travel tastebuds are starting to salivate ..... :)
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